Where to Stay
If you are looking for accommodation in Berwick-upon-Tweed, in a hotel, guesthouse, B&B, self-catering cottage, caravan, hostel or wigwam, we have the perfect place for your stay. Around half of the assessed accommodation, within a 2 mile radius of Berwick, is currently graded at 5 or 4 star rated, giving you an excellent choice of top quality places to stay and enjoy our beautiful town.
There are luxury guesthouses and self catering properties in and around Berwick which offer the highest quality of comfort and beautifully decorated surroundings for you to relax in. Whether you are booking a romantic hotel break, or a cottage stay for the entire family, look no further than Berwick-upon-Tweed.
We have budget accommodation options for you to explore also… caravan and campsites, wigwams and a YHA youth hostel. With town centre locations as well as easy to reach sites on the outskirts of town, you will find plenty of options of where to stay however you are travelling.
Check the Visit Northumberland Accommodation database here
If you need help deciding where to stay, or if you prefer to have the work done for you, contact Berwick Tourist Information Centre, where the friendly assistants will be happy to book accommodation for you.